International Aid
The massive presence of International NGOs and local Associartions is doing a great job by promoting projects that cater towards providing food, shelter, education, training and jobs for the people of Cambodia. Volunteers come in from all over the world, to lend their time and skills to this battered country, where 50% of the population is under the age of 16, and where life-expectancy is between 54 and 57 years.
But the most important projects are the ones that encourage Cambodians to become independent. People like Bel and his young team, people who - despite the odds - have rolled up their sleeves and fought back, not only aiming at becoming self-sufficient, but giving a chance of a better life to the children of Cambodia.
These are the people who truly deserve to be helped.
Unfortunately in a land as poor as Cambodia the battle for survival is constant, and the work and commitment needed to improve the living conditions of these beautiful people is endless.